Thursday, January 31, 2008

Down for the Count

Our sweet little Lylee has been fighting naps, so it really shouldn't have surprised us to find her passed out in her highchair last night immediately after dinner! She stirred a little bit when Chris took the first picture and then just laid her head right back down and shut her eyes.
Sweet Dreams Lylee

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Quick Snow Trip

Taylor had never seen the snow in real life, so we decided to take advantage of the snow that was falling close to home today. Snow was falling as low as Auburn, which is about 30 minutes away.
He LOVED it!!!

Lylee didn't love the snow quite as much as Taylor, but she sure loved the cuddling.

The kids and I.

Look at the snow falling on the kids and Auntie Jacci.

Boys Night Out

Taylor hiding.
On Friday night Taylor, Chris, Grandpa and Uncle Pete all went to Monster Jam. This was a huge treat for Taylor! He LOVES monster trucks. He has a huge collection (many were potty training rewards). He loves every single truck and knows them all by name. His most beloved truck is GRAVE DIGGER. He even got a GRAVE DIGGER shirt and a checker flag! From what I hear, all of the boys had a great time.

Taz is the brown truck. One of Taylor's favorites.

Grave Digger & Pastrama 199 racing.

GRAVE DIGGER!!!! Taylor absolutely LOVES GRAVE DIGGER!!!

Taylor also loves Grandpa's lap.

He was sound asleep long before he got home.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Our Dear President Hinckley

I know that all of us who love President Hinckley will miss his wonderful smile and great sense of humor. I don't think there was ever a better example of a man being full of the spirit of the lord. I also know that his sweet wife must be so happy to be with her dear husband again. It's always been so hard for me to think of one without the other and now they never will be again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Me too!

I finally got around to trying a "hairdo" on Lylee. She barely has enough hair. Taylor thinks it's very cute and he wanted me to do his next! Unfortunately, Lylee now has the bug that Taylor has had. It's been pretty miserable. Taylor even missed school for the first time today. I was very tempted to send him just so that we could have a break, but I would never subject anyone else to this bug, or my very grumpy little man.

Monday, January 21, 2008


I ran across these cute lamps online. In a way I love them because I love our sweet Dachshund, Doc. But they are also a little nutty. $59??? For a plastic lamp. I guess it wouldn't break when the kids knock it off a shelf. One of those cute idea, but I'll never buy it items.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Poor Babies

We've had a super fun week here at the Anderson's. Taylor hasn't been feeling well for over a week and has been running an extremely hig fever for days. He's also been up all night coughing for about a week, and had a bad ezcema breakout. Now Lylee seems to have it too. We've been to the doctor and apparently it's some fabulous virus. Wa hoo. Taylor's been taking long naps (which never, ever happens) and Lylee has been resisting naps (which also never happens). Chris and I feel so bad for our poor little kids. Taylor's not even sad that we won't let him play outside with the neighbor kids. This totally stinks and I can't wait to have my rowdy house back.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Our Big Girl

Everyday it seems like Lylee is getting to be more of a big kid. Last night she took her first couple of steps from the couch to the table. She was so proud of herself. She chases Taylor all through the house, on her knees, every day and does a pretty good job of keeping up. She even lets him sit on her, or squish her hands and feet, or drag her through the house by an arm or leg! I wonder if she's taking mental notes for when she gets big enough to get him back!!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Bath Buddies

My kids have a new favorite thing to do together. They both love baths, but even more when they get to take a bath together! Lylee is getting very brave in the water (I can't wait to get her in the pool!) and Taylor is usually gentle with his little sister. It has been a lot of fun to watch Lylee learn how to play with all of the different bath toys from her big brother.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

It's pouring, inside and out!!!

Both Taylor and Lylee were excited to wear their raincoats, until the wind started blowing and then it was very cold. Every umbrella that we saw today was blown inside out by the wind! Taylor would really like to go puddle jumping if the wind would just stop.

We got our water line fixed last night. YAY!!!!! We have been doing loads of laundry all day!!

Apparently the mud on top of the pipe shifted and broke it. We are waiting for the rain to stop so that we can put sand down the hole. Hopefully this won't happen again. This is the fourth time in the last year that we have been without water. We've been watching the cleanup begin on our street the last few days. Fences have been patched, propped or just replaced by tarps. Trees have been removed. There are still a few stray roof shingles that go flying whenever the wind kicks up. One of our neighbors behind us even lost part of their chimney. Thankfully, all of the people that we know are physically just fine. It is definately a reminder to be prepared.

Friday, January 4, 2008

...and for even more fun

Since the great majority of our back and side yard fence blew down today and our back yard is completely flooded we have been taking Doc out in the front yard so he at least has a chance to go potty with his short little dachshund legs. Chris took him out for the night around 9 and discovered that our front yard is completely flooded and could hear water running. He turned the water off to the house, but it got worse outside. Thanks to the internet, we found a number for our water company on the city website and the guy was here fifteen minutes later. We have to call a plumber in the morning. The water guy turned off our water, but he helped us hook our hose to our next door neighbors so we can run water from their house until we can get ours fixed. Yep, we're mooching. We are so thankful to have such great neighbors.

So tomorrow I get to call plumbers, fence guys, talk to our other two neighbors, get hold of the landlord of the house next door, and pray that the big tree behind us doesn't fall down. Not a lot of fun, but I'm really glad that we are all safe and healthy.

Hope round two of this super storm is less exciting...

Thar She Blows

When we went to bed last night we had a fence here. This is the house behind us looking from our back door. The wind is still blowing and the fence is still falling we are also loosing one of our side fences. Taylor came out this morning and came running back into my bedroom and said, "Mom, the backyard is a mess!! We need bottles of water, batteries and brooms!" I had no idea that he was so emergency aware. I understood about the water and the batteries, but I wondered about the brooms. I was informed that we needed the brooms to clean up the mess. If only it was that simple!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy 2008

Happy 2008! 2007 was an incredible year. I can't believe that Lylee has only been here for tem months, it feels like she's been part of our family forever! She's getting so big, standing by herself and climbing up in the little rocking chair at Grandma Vicki's. She's even starting to warm up to new people and not freak out every time I leave her. (This is very exciting and also a bit sad. It's nice to feel so needed.)
Taylor is a big preschool kid who loves school and all of his friends. He loves church and I can't believe that he will be a Sunbeam in Primary starting this Sunday!! He still amazes me every day with some new little thing that he says or does. The latest is answering everything "Yes, Sir." I told him that I'm mommy, and not a sir and he just looks at me and says, "Ok , Yes, Sir, Mommy." What can you do? His other new words are weird and lovely. It just cracks me up to hear him trying out his new words and try to put them correctly in a sentence. Last night he asked me "isn't this a lovely party Mommy?"
We had an early New Year celebration. We had our holiday prime rib dinner at Grandma & Grandpa's house. We took all of our little instruments with us and Taylor passed one to everyone so we could all play them together when it was the New Year. We celebrated at nine o'clock with New York and I'm amazed that my kids made it that late. It was quick, but fun. We looked at our last night of Christmas lights on the way home, tucked the kids in bed and Chris went to work.
Not super eventful, but good.
Happy New Year!