Saturday, August 30, 2008

Once upon a time...

There was a baby girl who was happy to stay in her crib...

Very happy,

It was even good for teething...

Doesn't she look peaceful? Unfortunately the peace didn't last long enough for Mommy and Daddy. The little girl decided to escape her baby prison,

Mommy turned the crib around to keep the little girl inside for a little while longer. That's how long it lasted a little while, like two days. Mommy and Taylor found Lylee climbing out of the highest part and we dicided that it was time for a change...

Our baby is turning into a little girl! Lylee loves her new bed! She is actually doing really well, especially considering the fact that she's not quite 18 months old. I love being able to actually tuck her in at night!


Becca said...

Wow! I think Cami is ready for a 'big girl bed' too but we're holding out for just a LITTLE bit longer. I can't wait to get rid of our big crib :)

mj said...

that is so cute. i can't believe that she is in a big girl bed! she is so grown up!

Nat~Nat said...

I really wanted to wait too, but she is a master climber and escape artist. This is safer for all.

Sarah said...

I love tucking Kenna in now too, and laying next to her for storytime and cuddles. SO nice.

Does she stay in there pretty well?

Heather said...

They grow up so fast!