Saturday, September 13, 2008

Parents Beware!

We try really hard to keep all household remotes hidden, mostly from Lylee, and mostly so she doesn't hide them from us. Well, now we have a couple of new reasons to keep the TV remotes away from Lylee. On Thursday, I was having a little nap and I woke up and discovered that there was a movie playing on the TV in our bedroom. I was confused, because I know that we don't own this movie and I also know that it was too new to be on TV yet. I was watching "Nim's Island" with Lylee. She had somehow ordered not one, but two movies on demand. Thankfully, the other one was "Peggy Sue Got Married", which was a horrible movie, but at least that one was free! "Nim's Island" was $4.99!

We didn't want to completely waste our money, so we watched "Nim's Island" and it was a pretty cute movie.

Then, yesterday morning I was watching "The View" on the TV in the front room. At first I was thinking that they either had a really bad camera person, or one that really didn't like John McCain (They kept cutting his head off during the interview. I was utterly amused and confused at the same time.) When the show was over, I changed the station and realized that peoples heads were being cut off on lots and lots of channels.

Lylee struck again! She found some magic button on the Comcast remote that made the picture bigger that the screen. It took me at least twenty minutes to figure that one out.

All I keep thinking is that this little girl is only 18 months old, and that I could be in for a lot of trouble! At least she's pretty much quit eating dirt.


mj said...

Yikes! We will definitely find very high homes for our comcast remote!

Jami said...

Count your blessings.
1. No more dirt eating.
2. Nim's a G movie.
3. Man, she's cute.