Okay, when I was away at college I was completely freaked out about the whole thing. We thought that if we could stay awake more than we would learn more and do better on our finals. you know cramming. W!e decided to ge some No Doze. One our the girls on our floor found out and we got busted and the people over the dorms called our parents to inform them of our tragic choice (while there was a huge kegger going on the the very near vacinity). This was a horrible, horrible choice.
Okay, I agree it was not a brilliant idea, but come on people, it wasn't crack!
So, now we live in a world of Starbucks, Rock Stars, there is even a Snickers that is supposed to give you a "boost". These are used by kids, and adults every day. Do you think their parents were called? Do you think these struggling freshman are read the riot act?
The reason that I bring this up is that I just saw an ad on TV offering some beverage that will help them get through finals!!!!! While I definately do not condone any of these methods, it has now become a part of every day life ??????