Monday, November 17, 2008

A Question For All

Okay, when I was away at college I was completely freaked out about the whole thing. We thought that if we could stay awake more than we would learn more and do better on our finals. you know cramming. W!e decided to ge some No Doze. One our the girls on our floor found out and we got busted and the people over the dorms called our parents to inform them of our tragic choice (while there was a huge kegger going on the the very near vacinity). This was a horrible, horrible choice.
Okay, I agree it was not a brilliant idea, but come on people, it wasn't crack!
So, now we live in a world of Starbucks, Rock Stars, there is even a Snickers that is supposed to give you a "boost". These are used by kids, and adults every day. Do you think their parents were called? Do you think these struggling freshman are read the riot act?
The reason that I bring this up is that I just saw an ad on TV offering some beverage that will help them get through finals!!!!! While I definately do not condone any of these methods, it has now become a part of every day life ??????

All Things Equal and Such

Sorry, Lylee, but we humiliated Taylor too.
Lylee's been showing interest in going "pee pee" for a couple of weeks, but doesn't like the potty chair. We went to Target, and Lo and Behold, they had a princess potty ring that sits on the big toilet. (We had an potty ring for Taylor, but he was terrified and was not satisfied until he saw me throw the thing in the trash.)
She's trying. She toldd me that she went pee pee today, but it's hard to tell. We'll see how it goes and how long it takes. I'd love to lose the diapers, but I don't want to rush her.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another Day in the Life at Our House

Taylor would not get up this morning. He said that he needed to rest and curled up in his blanket on his bed until his other big move of the day, climbing into my bed, curling up and going to sleep.
He woke up about 3pm and announced that he was very hungry and that his body needed cheese tots (sonic). I explained that we only go out to eat on special occassions, besides we did not have a car today. The van got new brakes....
I guess that it had to be done sometime...

Lylee's little nose is scabbed, but starting to heal. She's a really big sport when she gets hurt. Taylor is too. I love my little cuties so much. I just hope that tomorrow is mellow with monotonous of laundry and such.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rough & Tumble

Lylee had a little spill today, racing up and down the nieghbors driveway. Unfortunately, the sidewalk won. She's been a brave litttle one without a lot of pouting and with a lot of snuggling. We're just hoping she doesn't have a black eye.
We love our little toughy girl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In Case You Haven't Heard...

We're pretty excited at our house!!!

More Big Girl Stuff

We'll see how long it stays in, but Lylee can finally have a ponytail! As a mom, it's so fun to go through all of the little daily milestones that I get to share and go through with my kids.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This is why we do it...

Yesterday we had the blessing to go vote. I did not mark a single "oval" without thinking about my children and their future. I always bring my kids so that they can learn that we live in a very special country, a country that gives each of have their say. I would like them to know that every person in the United States of America has an opportunity to become what ever thay want, including having their say.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Yes on Proposition 8

This one of the many signs that have been stolen, or like this one, vandilized. We were driving down a major street in our area and decided that we would pull it out and place it out with the trash. Taylor wanted to know what we were doing. He also noticed that it looked like a sign in our yard.

This is the sign in our front yard. Which one makes you feel best? We are voting yes on prop 8. For our family, for our religious beliefs and our children's future.

Happy together!

How did I get them both together???

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Captian Serious

Grandma Vicki and Jacci happened to come across this telescope and gave it to Taylor. This kid has always wanted two things, a telescope and a pogo stick. I wonder if he thinks that he can jump high enough with his pogo stick that he can reach his beautiful stars.
We also got him stars for his ceiling for his birthday. He loves to lay on his back and look up at the stars.

Who wouldn't want to be a silly little girl for a day?

We're so thankful to have such a silly little girl in our family!