Sunday, May 31, 2009


Cassandra, Taylor and Lylee in their matching outfits. I know, cheezy. I think it's still cute though!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Look What I Found

Sometimes when I wake up in the morning, I find this sweet sight on the floor at the end of my bed.
Taylor is laying on his favorite stuffed friend, Turkilis the Turtle. We got him a few years ago from the Monterey Bay Aquarium and Turkilis and Taylor have been great friends ever since. He even gets to go on outings with us. This week he went with us to get allergy shots!

Another New Project

My sweet mother-in-law sent out a bit of her extra fabric for me to play with. JoAnn's had Simplicity patterns on sale 5 for $5 on Monday, so Cassie and I had fun picking out 10 new patterns! This dress is extra special because Aunt Cassie has a skirt out of the flower fabric and Taylor has a tie out of the green stripe fabric. Lylee loves the dress, but she also saw the Jacket on the pattern and wants that too. I told her I'd make one in the fall, after the days of 108* are over!
I think this is one of the most fun parts of having a little girl, I get to sew all kinds of things for her. I did find a pajama pattern for both kids and I'm going to attempt a tie and some boxers for Taylor too.
Maybe on Sunday I can get a pic of Taylor in his tie, Cassie in her skirt and Lylee in her dress. So fun!!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

I Love to Share...

Chocolate malts with Aunt Cassie! Mmmm...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Preschool Graduation

Today my sweet first born graduated from preschool! That's right, Taylor is going to be a Kindergartener this fall. Typing this, I'm actually tearing up to think of the last four and three-quarter years and how much my world has changed for the better. I am so thankful that my Heavenly Father saw fit to send Chris and I our two little angels.
Taylor is such a wonderful little boy. Here are a few things that we love about him.
~ Taylor is very kind and aware of others feelings and tries his best to always be kind and loving.
~ Taylor loves his family.
~ Taylor loves his friends.
~ Taylor loves Star Wars, Legos, Monster Trucks and Lincoln Logs
~ Taylor has an incredible imagination and loves to play alone just as much as he loves to play
with others.
~ Taylor loves to help cook, especially cookies and desserts! (I think it has to do with licking the
~ Taylor loves his Heavenly Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
~ Taylor's favorite song is I Am A Child Of God and loves the fact that he actually is a child of
~ Taylor loves to have long, thoughtful conversations.
~ Taylor loves the outdoors and doing yardwork. (Thanks, Grandpa. I hope it sticks.)
~ Taylor is our favorite little boy in the whole wide world.
~ Taylor gives the very best hugs.
This is just a short list of the things that Chris and I love about our sweet litttle Taylor Jay. We love you very much and look forward to continuing to watch you grow up!

Birthday Family Fun

Chris and Cassandra made me a delicious cake. Lylee fed at least half of her cake to Hyrum. One of the greatest things about getting older is watching my kids grow and seeing their relationships grow and develop. Everyday just gets a little better.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

So yesterday was my birthday, and it was a great one. I got spoiled with lots of love my my sweet family and friends! Thanks to all of you that got me ready for 35! I can't wait for a fresh start this year!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

100 Things

Tonight the Young Women invited us to their "100 Dresses" activity. We were told a story about 100 dresses and the courage and strength of a young girl who was picked on and chose to take the high road. After the story, we were each challenged to do 100 of something. I came home with several ideas. I finally settled upon one. I am going to do 100 good deeds. Each deed can be for anyone and can be big or small. I will be keeping track of each one in a notebook. It should be fun to see what I come up with and if I see the effects of any of the deeds.

Pre K Carnival

Today Taylor got to go to a Pre K Carnival at Royer Park for all of the kids in the city preschools who will be going to Kindergarten next year. The carnival was fun and extremely crowded. Taylor picked the few activities that he thought were worthy of waiting in line for, then we ate a hot dog lunch and let Taylor play at the park for a while before heading off.
Taylor had a lot of fun, but is much more of a park kid than a carnival kid. He loves the freedom of playing what he wants, rather than waiting in long lines. I like this about his personality. He's much more into imaginative play. Anyway, it was a fun morning and a realization that we're moving on to bigger kid stuff in the very near future.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Happy Mother's Day

This year was a fun one. Lylee made me the picture frame with her picture in it. Taylor made me a chalkboard message board. On Sunday we had brunch here with the fam and Chris and the kids gave me a way cute garden tool bag with tools and flowers to plant in the yard. I'm still a little off from surgery, but was able to make it long enough to take the sacrament at church.

Lylee's Evolution of Dance

Chris likes to play his Ipod while he's in the kitchen. The kids like to dance to the music. Lylee got new boots today and this is her new dance!

Roller Rinking

Saturday was our friend Terrell's birthday party at the roller rink. Here we are with Terrell's little sis Jaida, one of Taylor's bff's.

Ever the gamer, Taylor played and played the video games with no money and probably had more fun than the kids that had money!

Aunt Cassie was nice enough to be
Taylor's roller buddy, since I'm still recovering from surgery and it's complications. Taylor only went all the way around the rink two or three times, then practiced for a long time on the carpet before we lost him to the arcade area. Lylee loved to watch and also enjoyed trying out the new potty (yay!) several times. The kids got ice cream, soda and pizza. Guess who wants to go skating again????

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mother's Tea

Today was Lylee's Mother's Tea at preschool, but we had a stop to make first. This week was Teacher Appreciation Week, so we stopped at our favorite florist for 3 Gerber Daisies, one for each of Lylee's 3 preschool teachers, Miss Terri, Miss Molly and Miss Jen. Lylee loved picking out the flowers and loved giving them to her teachers even more. Each teacher was touched by the thought.
Lylee and I dressed and ready for our first mom and daughter tea. I think we should make it an annual event, school sponsored or not. Lylee loved to get all dressed up and she knew that it was a special occasion. It was the first time that she has eaten an Oreo and not spilled a single crumb. She was so careful to have good manners and eat neatly. It was a huge eye opener to see what a big girl my baby has become. She also loved and could tell how special it was to have a date for just the two of us. I love every minute that I get to be close to my sweet girl.

We were having so much fun that we decided to stay out a little longer and headed to Children's Orchard. I made two of my best finds yet, an adorable pink and white ballerina rocking chair for $5.99 and a Blue and White floral Tommy Hilfiger dress for $2.00 (It had a little pink spot on it, I came home, put a little stain treatment on it and the dress looks brand new.).