Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ice Skating With Preschoolers

I didn't know what to expect from Taylor's class field trip to the local ice skating rink. It was pretty fun. They have these little walkers for the kids. They're called "easy glider". They also have these for adults, "tall walkers". They also have a sled with a tall handle to push the very little ones. After they clean the ice they shove the extra "snow" into a big pile on one side of the rink. This was Taylor's favorite part. They have a big bulls eye one the wall above the snow. The kids are allowed to throw snow balls at the target. Every once in a while, snow would started coming from above. Every kid immediately stopped whatever they were doing, looked up and opened their mouths to collect the snowflakes. I feel a little guilty that he hasn't really had a lot of exposure to snow. They also have rubber claws that you can wear over your shoes when they kids want to keep going, but you're not able keep going.
All in all, I'd be happy to take him again, maybe all of us.


Becca said...

That sounds so fun - how cool is that they have snow come from the ceiling?!

Jami said...

I LOVE Skatetown. They really make it easy for the whole family to have fun. I really like it in July. Are you OK? I haven't heard from you in a while.

Nat~Nat said...

I was thinking how fun it would be to go on one of those 115 degree days!