Sunday, October 14, 2007

True Love

Tonight our stake presidency had a special meeting for just the women, and young women in the stake. This was the first of it's kind in our stake. We were told that our stake presidency will be reorganized next month, after 10 years, so this was a once in a lifetime type meeting for us. Every woman was urged to come and it was a beautiful and wonderful meeting. One of the things that touched me most was not part of the program. There was an elderly man who was sitting in the foyer waiting for his wife that he had driven to this meeting that she obviously felt was important as well. It touched me so much that this sweet man felt that it was important enough for his wife to be at a meeting that he drove her there and patiently waited outside. I don't know how many others noticed, but I saw this as an act of true, sweet love and devotion.

1 comment:

mj said...

i am so sorry that i had to miss the sounds like it was a great evening...stupid utah trip!