Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The great escape... and a mouse in the house!

My kids are funny. Earlier this afternoon, I heard Chris say, "What in the world??" So I jumped up to see what was going on. I met Chris in the hallway, just outside of Lylee's door. He was holding the big block of Tillamook cheese with several little boy bites out of it. While we were laughing, we heard Lylee in her room (she was supposed to be having a nap). Chris opened the door and there is Lylee, in her diaper sitting right smack in the middle of her room playing. She just gave us a big smile and ran to hug Daddy, since he had just gotten home from work.

Now we have two dilemas, should we get a toddler bed? Or just wait and see how often she climbs out of the crib? She's just shy of 18 months old, I wasn't ready for this one.

Taylor LOVES to get things from the fridge. I guess it makes him feel big (he says that he is medium, not big or small). Yesterday he dropped one of the giant apple juice bottles, it didn't really spill, until Chris noticed that the bottle was leaking. We've thought about putting a lock on the fridge, but Chris' brother Jamie has one on his fridge and Taylor had no problem opening it. The kid locks on the cupboards are a complete joke too.


Becca said...

Sounds like you have a couple Houdini kids :)

mj said...

yikes! i don't know what you should do about the bed thing...I am hoping C never learns how to climb out!

about taylor...i have heard of people putting cups/water bottles in the fridge that the child knows are ok for him to get himself. Same thing with snacks...guess its a can't beat em join em thing.

Nat~Nat said...

Today I turned Lylee's crib around, so the higher back side is now the front. So far, so good!

Taylor... that boy just wants to be big. He has access to all kinds of snacks and drinks in the fridge (like Mickey Mouse cheese and chocolate milk boxes). I caught him trying to make his own chocolate milk with powdered mix and white milk. It was chocolate mud.

Heather said...

We have a lock on our fridge. It is too high for them to reach and it works pretty good. Plus it is the second one. The first one broke but it was a different type of lock. And the lock is for Sara. She thinks she should get into everything. Oh and we have a lock on the pantry too.

Now the crib, keep her in it as long as possible. Speaking from experience. Sara started climbing out, so she was out a crib once we came to visit in March. But I have to lay by her at night too. The crib is definitley easier!!!

Jami said...

I have a beat-up crib tent that you can have if you want. It works great.