Sunday, October 12, 2008

Circle of Hope

I have often wondered and also asked if there was a significance to this logo. I decided to find out for myself. I really like the answer that I found.
Artist's Comments
"I'm feeling pretty hopeful, how about you? This is Barack Obama's campaign logo, the hope circle, the rising sun, the patriotic moon, the circle of life, the circle of change. Call it what you will - this is hope."
First of all, I want to say that this is my opinion and I am simply stating what I believe what is right for me and my family. I know and understand that many believe and will choose differently for them and their family. I respect these people and their right to vote differently.
Honestly, I just hope and pray that people get out and vote on November 4!
I grew up knowing that the gift of having the right to vote is essential, and also a responsibility of every eligible citizen of the United Stated (my son would remind me to add of America). I registered as soon as I was eligible at the age of 18, in 1992.
Taylor, at 4 years of age has been asking questions about the lawn signs popping up and "What's an Obama?" It has been an incredible chance to teach my 4 year old about democracy, fighting for our fundamental rights and beliefs as citizens of this amazing United States of America.
We have also been teaching our children about this great country that our Heavenly Father promised, in which we have the right and ability to have religious freedom. This freedom provided the means for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to be built up for a new generation so that the gospel of Jesus Christ could be restored. This alone is reason to get out and vote.
We are blessed to be able to vote our hearts and conscious. This year the issues affecting our home and family are 1) getting Barack Obama into the Oval Office so that he and Joe Biden will fight for our family and our children's futures. 2) We will also be voting YES on proposition 8. This simply states that marriage is defined by a union between a man and a woman. I don't want my children to be taught about children with two mommies or two daddies at school. I also want to have the ability to have a say in what my children are taught about the issue of gay rights and even what that means. I don't want my children to have to mark Party A or Party B on their marriage licensed. I want them to have the right to mark Bride or Groom when it is their time to check that box.

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