Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!!

Since Taylor was born, we have made a point to take the kids to the Roseville 4th of July parade. One of Taylor's favorite parts was the trucks and cars.

Captain Happy having a rough moment.

I'm ready where's the excitement!The parade crew. Taylor, Lylee, Hyrum, Jac (and Mom behind the camera!) Everyone's getting their snack on waiting for the show to begin.
Lylee really got into the clapping and waving. (Taylor was moving too fast for me to catch him... candy snatcher!)

And for year round festive fun, check out Lylee's first purse! Thanks Grandma!!! It's so sparkly and girly and just the right size.

Everyone had a great day today! The parade was entertaining, and I decided that even though the PT Cruiser patrol is a little eccentric, it is also a lot less messy and stinky than the giant pooping horses from the Frontier Days parades that we grew up with.

When Daddy got home from work, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and swimming. This year was extra fun since some of Uncle Pete's family came up, which meant more KIDS for Taylor to play with (even though they were all girls --five of them--)!!!! We was thrilled.

Everyone came over to our house to watch the fireworks and have finally gotten everyone down for bed. Lylee wasn't too sure about the fireworks, but was completely drawn in by the end!

One last thought... Taylor was truly touched by the soldiers in the parade. He has been marching like a soldier and telling all about soldiers, especially how very brave they are. Of all days, this was a great time to sit down with my son and talk about soldiers and why we need them and how much we love them and thank them for all that they and their loved ones sacrifice for us each and every day. If you're reading this and are a service man or women, or have a loved one who is... Thank you, for everything.

1 comment:

Jami said...

Thanks for your thanks. My brother's heading out again soon and I worry. I am so proud of him, but I wish that we didn't need any of the soldiers to leave their families. That wish will have to wait to be granted.

Your pictures are charming! We missed the parade this year. Next year we'll get there!