Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Night Pooh Bear

So, Taylor HATES going to sleep at night. Every night he tries various tactics to avoid going to bed. You know, I'm hungry, I'm thirsty, I'm scared of the dark, There are monsters in my room, etc... My personal favorite is "I don't want to be all awone!" It's just so sad and pathetic. At times he gets so desperate that it's hard not to laugh.

Tonight Taylor was exceptionally tired after a big day. I finally told him that he absolutely must stay in bed and that I would check on him in ten minutes (this actually works most nights). He stayed in his bed and grumbled. A few minutes later he started calling out for his dad. Only he wasn't saying dad. Taylor was yelling, "Christopher! Christopher!" Chris had gone out for a few minutes, so he couldn't answer. (For some reason I have to be bad cop at bedtime.)

Taylor realized that his strategy wasn't working, soon I heard, "Christopher! Christopher Robin! Christopher Robin!" This was one of Chris' least favorite nicknames growing up. If only he was here to hear it.

A very short time after the third or fourth demand of Winnie the Pooh's little boy friend, Taylor konked out.

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