Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Taylor Jay is 4 Today!!!

Well, technically Taylor is 4 today, but he turned 4 yesterday. We decided to start a new family tradition and go out for breakfast on your birthday. Grandma, Jac and Hyrum joined us.

We decided that we would let Taylor have a "real" birthday party this Year. You know, lots of kids, fun food, a Kay-at-a (pinata).

We went to a local park and had lots of Taylor's friends from school, church and our neighbors. We were also lucky enough to have Great-Grandma Janice, Grandma Vicki, Grandpa Bob, Jacci, Pete and Hyrum.

Everyone had lots of fun. It was great for Taylor to see all of his friends together having a great time. Everyone loved Daddy's "special punch"!

Taylor is into what he calls "art projects", and he also insisted that we "absolutely must" have party hats. We bought some solid colored hats and then got some of those sticky foam shapes for the kids to decorate their own hat. I had no idea what a hit this would be. I think every kid made one.

After the party, we came home and threw our 2 filthy and tired kids into the shower. When I tucked Taylor in last night, I couldn't help but stay with him longer than usual. I can hardly believe that 4 years ago he was taken away to the hospital nursery immediately after I gave birth to him. I got up at 3:00 am and one of the nurses came in my room. She took me down to the nursery to finally hold my sweet baby. I never wanted to let go.

I felt the same way last night as I watched him fall asleep.

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Becca said...

Happy birthday, Taylor! Looks like you had a great day!

Heather said...

Emma and Sara said HAPPY BIRTHDAY Taylor! They were sad they couldn't be there. We hope it was fun. Miss you all!

mj said...

wow! what an old boy you have! i am glad that his party was great! Taylor you are a great boy. We love that you are so kind to Carter!