Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'd love a day at the beach...

Today has been very, very long. Taylor woke up crying, demanding "eggs on toast". So, we had to get Daddy to teach me how to make this beloved treat. (Chris loves them when he doesn't feel good, and now so does Taylor.)
Later I decided that Taylor needed a bath before church. He was very excited and wanted two hot wheels in his bath with him. All was well and good, until I turned the water off. Taylor had the biggest fit I think he has ever had. He started splashing water and screaming at the top of his lungs. I went in and calmly pulled the plug to let the water out. He told me to get out of the bathroom and started screaming and splashing until all of the water was gone, then he screamed and kicked until he was completely dry and exhausted.
About this time I found out that Chris was going to have to work today and I thought, "Wow, it will be extremely fun at church today." My parents are in our ward and are very helpful, but when Taylor wants me and Lylee wants me it just doesn't matter how much help anyone is. I put Taylor in his room and told him to watch a movie while I got ready for church.
Thankfully, Lylee was having a nap much of the morning (a first since we started 1:00 church).
I got all ready and went in to check on Taylor. He was almost asleep in his room. He looked at me and told me that he did not feel very well (no, really????) and that he didn't want to go to church. Oh and by the way he told me several times, "I don't like you mom."
I decided that I didn't stand a chance at church so we stayed home. Both kids slept through most of church, so I did get a break. As soon as Taylor woke up he cuddled up next to me and told me, "I don't like you Mom, Daddy is the best."
Finally, around 7:30 pm Taylor decided that he likes me again.
Anyone else for a day at the beach???

1 comment:

mj said...

oh man. I was wonder where you were. Poor kid. I hope he doesn't get another round of a cold. I hope it was just a bad morning for him. I am glad that Taylor likes you now. But really funny that he told you daddy was better while giving you a hug.